

More and more scientists have come to the conclusion that after the brain dies consciousness survives.

This conclusion is paradigm smashing for NDE skeptics who believe that limited brain functioning is only the final gasps of a dying brain, that hallucinates or creates a dream-like state. Many doctors who studied hundreds of NDE cases have refuted this argument explaining that an NDE experience cannot be fragments of dying brain as their observations are highly-organized, highly-lucid after they have been pronounced clinically dead. They are not dream-like or hallucinations. In fact these observations often include things that would be impossible for them to know. For example, they can see the tops of buildings. They can see far away. They described the surgical instruments that doctors used as well as the conversations.


Perhaps the most compelling cases that prove an afterlife involves blind people describing highly visual events during their NDE. (see video 1)


Doctors were astonished to hear the stories of children who died and were resuscitated. (Video 2) .Their experiences were in many aspects similar to what adults experienced.


We also included a video of a renowned neurosurgeon (Harvard university) who didn't believe in afterlife but after his own N.D.E. changed completely. Now he is totally convinced that he was wrong and that indeed consciousness does continue after the brain has died.

My wife Helen and I are members of the Baha'i Faith. We found consolation in the Writings of Baha'u'llah which has an amazing amount of information to impart about the reality that awaits us after death.It is a vision that offers consolation, as well as a power to invigorate our lives here and now because it explains the relevance of our performance in this life to what we will experience in the continuation of our lives beyond physical reality.

This world is the womb world of the life to come

For example, the Bahá'í Writings assert that the principal importance of this life is that it prepares us for that next stage of our existence.In the same way that our gestation in the womb prepares us for participation in this life, so this life prepares us for entrance into the spiritual realm.You could say that this world is the womb world of the life to come.Therefore, our experience in the physical world is not an end in itself.It is a period of preparation for our further growth and development beyond this life.

Read more: Near Death Experiences and the Baha’i Faith

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It is difficult for most people to talk about death.

  • The best way is to think how young children approach death. With wonderment. Young children do not fear death. Adults need PROOFS and we are providing conclusive scientific evidence on this website that consciousness continued after the brain has died. the joyful message that death is not the end but a new beginning.
  • We invite you to spend a few minutes studying the slide show as it gives an extra-ordinary insight how children, who had Near Death Experience (N.D.E.)tried to explain their experience both in words ( "I saw the sun and it had a happy face") and in pictures. But there is much more.
  • In the VIDEO section (see menu) you wil see a blind woman who could SEE after she died. We also included a video of a renowned neuro-surgeon (Harvard university) who as most doctors didn't believe in afterlife but ........ after his own N.D.E. experience changed completely.
  • In the section LINKS we provided for those who are very critical some extracts from scientific studies and the conclusions are baffling! The reason why we got interested in this subject is that my wife and myself spent several years in the cancer ward of a children hospital where death is a daily occurrence. Our son Alexander passed away when he was 11 years and 11 months old ...
  • This website is a celebration of his life and hopefully can help parents who experienced a similar tragedy. It is difficult for most people to talk about death. The best way is to think how young children approach death. With wonderment. We invite you to spend a few minutes studying the slide show as it contains the joyful message that death is not the end but a new beginning.

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